2013/12/31 の収穫:讀物篇
- Chris Adamson, Kevin Avila "Learning Core Audio: A Hands-On Guide to Audio Programming for Mac and iOS", Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012, ISBN978-0-321-63684-3
- Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Gross, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni (ed) "Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with Processing", Princeton Architectural Press, 2012, ISBN978-1-61689-077-3
- "visual experiments lain", 復刊ドットコム, 1999, 2013, ISBN978-4-8354-4950-0
Learning Core Audio
Audio can affect the human brain in the most powerful and profound ways. Using Apple’s Core Audio, you can leverage all that power in your own Mac and iOS software, implementing features ranging from audio capture to real-time effects, MP3 playback to virtual instruments, web radio to VoIP support. The most sophisticated audio programming system ever created, Core Audio is not simple. In Learning Core Audio, top Mac programming author Chris Adamson and legendary Core Audio expert Kevin Avila fully explain this challenging framework, enabling experienced Mac or iOS programmers to make the most of it. In plain language, Adamson and Avila explain what Core Audio can do, how it works, and how it builds on the natural phenomena of sound and the human language of audio. Next, using crystal-clear code examples, they guide you through recording, playback, format conversion, Audio Units, 3D audio MIDI connectivity, and overcoming unique challenges of Core Audio programming for iOS. Coverage includes: mastering Core Audio’s surprising style and conventions; recording and playback with Audio Queue; synthesizing audio; perform effects on audio streams; capturing from the mic; mixing multiple streams; managing file streams; converting formats; creating 3D positional audio; using Core MIDI on the Mac; leveraging your Cocoa and Objective-C expertise in Core Audio’s C-based environment, and much more. When you’ve mastered the “black arts” of Core Audio, you can do some serious magic. This book will transform you from an acolyte into a true Core Audio wizard.
Generative Design
This website completes the book Generative Design. It offers direct access to all processing source code for the software described in the book.
The book Generative Design describes the creation of images by using codes. An image is not created manually, but instead by translating a visual idea into a set of rules and then implementing it in a programming language. Such a program can not only create a single image but also design complete visual worlds when parameters are changed.
We, the authors, want this book to provide a solid foundation for the use of this process. The book section “Basic Principles” illustrates generative techniques in relation to four foundation areas of design: color, shape, typography, and image. The designer’s repertoire is further expanded in the section “Complex Methods” by combining a number of principles on the basis of six larger-scaled examples. In this section you will also find explanations of advanced techniques.In addition to providing codes, this website is intended as a forum for communication between users of the book and the authors. Let us know by commenting if something does not work; of course, we are also glad to hear if you enjoyed something in particular. In the gallery section we encourage a lively exchange of information concerning your enhanced programs and pictures. Among the links you will find all the projects discussed in the book as well as the references.
visual experiments lain
伝説のアニメ『lain』唯一の公式ガイド本--- ついに復活!
1998年の放送時に大反響を呼び、今なおファンの熱い支持を得ているTVアニメーション『lain』。2010年発売のBlu-ray BOXも大好評で、新たなファンを増やした同作品の唯一の公式ガイド本が、この『ビジュアルエクスペリメンツ レイン』です。
1999年に刊行されたあと絶版となり、長らく入手困難でプレミア化していた同書が、多数のリクエストにお応えして、このたびついに復刊実現! しかも、当時の貴重な印刷フィルムを使用し、初版と同等のクオリティの誌面を再現。
2010年に当社・復刊ドットコムより復刊され大好評を博した『シナリオエクスペリメンツ レイン』と“対”になったアイテムである本書は、魅力溢れる『lain』の作品世界をビジュアル面から読み解く、最高のガイドツール。
◇「What is “lain”…?」=小中千昭氏・上田耕行プロデューサーほかスタッフによるlain観を紹介。
◇「Story & Data」=layer:01-13の内容紹介とデータ。場面カット、設定画、原画など貴重なビジュアルも収録。