2014/06/01 の収穫:聴物篇
- Gérard Grisey "Les espaces acoustiques", Gérard Caussé, Pierre-André Valade / Ensemble Court-Circuit, Sylvain Cambreling / Frankfurter Museumorchester, Accord 465 386-2, 1999, 2001
- Gérard Grisey "Vortex temporum / Taléa", Kwamé Ryan / Ensemble Recherche, Accord 464 292-2, 1997, 2001
- Glenn Branca "Symphony No. 6 (Devil Choirs at the Gates of Heaven)", Atavistic ALP10, 1989, 1993
- lycoriscoris "from beyond the horizon", moph records mcd-006, 2011
Accord 盤だが Gérard Grisey 2 セット導入.あと,ケージが「ファシストの音楽」と評したというグレン・ブランカもw.lycoriscoris, ようやく 1st 入手.
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