2013/09/07 の収穫:讀物篇
Objective-C はプラグイン書きで必要に迫られて or 執拗に責められて.
- 小坂直敏 "サウンドエフェクトのプログラミング", -Cによる音の加工と音源合成-, オーム社, 2012, ISBN978-4-274-06894-2
- David Boswell, Trevor Foucher "リーダブルコード", 使いこなすためのコード&イディオム100+, 角征典 訳, オライリー・ジャパン, 2012, ISBN978-4-87311-565-8, (Dustin Boswell, Trevor Foucher "The Art of Readable Codee", Simple and Practical Techniques for Writing Better Code, 2011)
- 荻原剛志 "詳解 Objective-C 2.0", 第3版, ソフトバンク クリエイティブ, 2011, 2012, ISBN978-4-7973-6827-7
- アーロン・ヒレガス "Objective-C プログラミング", The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 堂阪真司 訳, ピアソン桐原, 2012, ISBN978-4-86401-079-5, (Aaron Hillegass "Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide", 2011)
- デイビッド・チズナール "Objective-C フレーズブック", 使いこなすためのコード&イディオム100+, パセイジ 訳, ピアソン桐原, 2012, ISBN978-4-86401-107-5, (David Chisnall "Objective-C Phrasebook", 2nd edition, 2012)
As programmers, we've all seen source code that's so ugly and buggy it makes our brain ache. Over the past five years, authors Dustin Boswell and Trevor Foucher have analyzed hundreds of examples of "bad code" (much of it their own) to determine why they're bad and how they could be improved. Their conclusion? You need to write code that minimizes the time it would take someone else to understand it—even if that someone else is you.
This book focuses on basic principles and practical techniques you can apply every time you write code. Using easy-to-digest code examples from different languages, each chapter dives into a different aspect of coding, and demonstrates how you can make your code easy to understand.
- Simplify naming, commenting, and formatting with tips that apply to every line of code
- Refine your program's loops, logic, and variables to reduce complexity and confusion
- Attack problems at the function level, such as reorganizing blocks of code to do one task at a time
- Write effective test code that is thorough and concise—as well as readable
"Being aware of how the code you create affects those who look at it later is an important part of developing software. The authors did a great job in taking you through the different aspects of this challenge, explaining the details with instructive examples."
—Michael Hunger, passionate Software Developer
詳解 Objective-C 2.0
Mac OS X Lion、およびiOS 5以降の標準的なメモリ管理方式として新しく導入されたAutomatic Reference Counting(ARC)に対応して全面改定。iPhone/iPadプログラマ必携!
CHAPTER01 オブジェクトに基づくソフトウェアの作成
CHAPTER02 Objective-Cのプログラム
CHAPTER03 継承とクラス
CHAPTER04 オブジェクトの型と動的結合
CHAPTER05 リファレンスカウンタを用いたメモリ管理方式
CHAPTER06 ガーベジコレクション
CHAPTER07 宣言プロパティ
CHAPTER08 NSObjectクラスとランタイムシステム
CHAPTER09 Foundationフレームワークの重要なクラス
CHAPTER10 カテゴリ
CHAPTER11 抽象クラスとクラスクラスタ
CHAPTER12 プロトコル
CHAPTER13 オブジェクトのコピーと保存
CHAPTER14 ブロックオブジェクト
CHAPTER15 メッセージ送信のパターン
CHAPTER16 アプリケーションの構造
CHAPTER17 例題:簡易画像ビューア
CHAPTER18 例外とエラー
CHAPTER19 並列プログラミング
CHAPTER20 キー値コーディング
APPENDIX01 Foundationフレームワークの概要
APPENDIX02 Core Foundationフレームワークの概要
APPENDIX03 コーディングの指針
Objective-C プログラミング: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Cocoa 本(Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X (4th Edition))の方を探しに行ったのだが,ピアソンが技術書から撤退するらしくて,もうどこにもなかった.残っていたのはコレ一冊のみ.カテゴリとかは知らんかった.トレイトっぽく使えるかも (笑).
This introduction to programming and the Objective-C language is the first step on your journey from someone who uses apps to someone who writes them. The guide features short chapters and an engaging style to keep you motivated and moving forward. All while developing your critical thinking skills as a programmer. After all, Aaron is determined to help you understand what you’re doing - and why you’re doing it.
Topics covered include:
Programming basics: variables, loops, functions, etc.
Objects, classes, methods, and messages
Pointers, addresses, and memory management
Using Xcode, Apple’s documentation, and other tools
Classes from the Foundation framework
ARC and retain cycles
Delegation, target-action, and notification design patterns
Compatible with Xcode 4.2, iOS 5, and Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
Objective-C フレーズブック
ARC, OS X 10.7, iOS 5 に対応しています。
Objective-C Phrasebook, Second Edition
Updated for ARC, OS X 10.7, and iOS 5
Objective-C Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects with Objective-C.
The second edition of Objective-C Phrasebook has been updated for the new version of Objective-C supported by Apple’s LLVM compiler 3.0 on OS X 10.7 and iOS 5, and includes new coverage of ARC and other Objective-C features introduced with recent versions of Xcode.
Concise and Accessible
Easy to carry and easy to use–lets you ditch all those bulky books for one portable pocket guide
Flexible and Functional
Packed with more than 100 customizable code snippets–so you can readily create solid Objective-C code in just about any situation
Register your book at informit.com/register for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections as they become available.
Objective-C Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects with Objective-C, on systems including iOS and Mac OS X.
The Objective-C Phrasebook is concise, accessible, flexible, and functional—packed with more than 100 customizable code snippets so you can readily code in Objective-C in just about any situation.
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