ぐる式 (貳) より引っ越し作業中.未完.


2013/09/14 の収穫: Hillegass, Preble『Mac® OS X Cocoa® プログラミング (原著第4版)』

2013/09/14 の収穫:讀物篇



  • アーロン・ヒレガス, アダム・プレブル "Mac® OS X Cocoa® プログラミング (原著第4版)", SDL Plc 訳, ピアソン桐原, 2002, 2012, ISBN978-4-86401-135-8, (Aaron Hillegass, Adam Preble "Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X", 4th Edition, 2012)

Mac® OS X Cocoa® プログラミング (原著第4版)


Cocoa プログラミング学習書の決定版に、待望の改訂最新版が登場!!
経験豊富なMac OS X 開発者から高い支持を受けているベストセラーのCocoa 入門書を最新のMac プログラミングテクノロジーに合わせて改訂!
「Mac OS X 10.6 と 10.7」と「Xcode 4.0」にもしっかり対応!

This book covers the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured applications for OS X. The bonus? It’s written in an engaging tutorial style and has been thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy. Is it an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer? Yes. Yes, it is.

If you're developing applications for Mac OS X, Cocoa ® Programming for Mac ® OS X, Fourth Edition, is the book you've been waiting to get your hands on. If you're new to the Mac environment, it's probably the book you've been told to read first. Written in an engaging tutorial style, and thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy, it covers the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured apps - making it an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer.

Updated for Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7, this fourth edition includes coverage of Xcode 4, blocks, view-based table views, Apple's new approach to memory management (Automatic Reference Counting), and the Mac App Store.This edition adds a new chapter on concurrency and expands coverage of Core Animation.The book now devotes a full chapter to the basics of iOS development.

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