BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US 'Zombie party' killings probed.
Police are investigating the fatal shooting of six young revellers at a house party in the US city of Seattle.
They were killed, and two others wounded, when a fellow guest went on a gun rampage before finally killing himself when confronted by police.
何やってんだか.それとも偽装された大量殺人? (笑)
BBC NEWS | World | Two-head girl dies of infection: An Egyptian girl who survived an operation to remove a second head has died from a brain infection. She had a very severe infection in the brain and she wasn't able to fight it. ( まるで『半神』のような話.だが,神は降りなかったのか.南無阿弥陀仏…….って浄土真宗だけど.生温い日常に冷静を浴びせるようなページなので,リンクはあえて貼らずにおく.コピペして飛ぶのはそちらの意志次第.
もう一発. BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Japanese comics go mobile.「Two-thirds of Japan's population - about 80 million people - are using their mobiles in ways which would make the rest of us gasp in astonishment.」って,何だよ,それ (笑).
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