ぐる式 (貳) より引っ越し作業中.未完.


2012/04/30 の収穫:Steve Reich “Drumming” (Hawkes Pocket Scores),『アルゴリズミック・アーキテクチュア』,『ガベージコレクションのアルゴリズムと実装』

2012/04/30 の収穫:讀物篇

First publication on sale of Steve Reich's minimalist classic from 1971. Originally performed without a score by the composer's own ensemble, and then using a manuscript shorthand version, this is the first time the work is published in a fully notated form.

  • コスタス・テルジディス "アルゴリズミック・アーキテクチュア", 荒岡紀子, 重村珠穂, 松川昌平 訳, 田中浩也 監訳, 彰国社, 2010, ISBN978-4-395-00907-7, (Kostas Terzidis "Algorithmic Architecture", 2006)
  • 中村成洋, 相川光, 竹内郁雄 監修 "ガベージコレクションのアルゴリズムと実装", 秀和システム, 2010, ISBN978-4-7980-2562-9

2012/04/30 の収穫:快盗天使ツインエンジェル The Best Angel,KlausSchulze “In Blue”,Manuel Göttsching (Ashra)『ディー・ムルデ』,『ブラックアウツ』

2012/04/30 の収穫:聴物篇

快盗天使ツインエンジェルシリーズの全ボーカル曲と、CD未収録楽曲+新規楽曲をコンパイルした3枚組の究極のベスト盤が4月27日に発売されます! 本作のための書下ろしとなる新曲、新リミックス曲や、初のCD化となるキャラクターソングも多数収録。シリーズ3作に加えて、アニメ主題歌、ゲーム楽曲等の、ボーカル曲を集めた、ファン必携アイテムです!


ボーカルトラック参加アーティスト&キャラクター水無月遥(CV:田村ゆかり)/神無月葵(CV:能登麻美子)/葉月クルミ(CV:釘宮理恵)/テスラ・ヴァイオレット(CV:堀江由衣)/ナイン・ヴァイオレット(CV:柚木涼香)/リリカ・アスタディール(CV:金田朋子)/エリス・フィリウス(CV:中原麻衣)/あべにゅうぷろじぇくと 他

  • Manuel Göttsching (Ashra) "Blackouts", Belle Antique BELLE-121912 (MG Art MG.ART 803), 1977, 2012
  • Manuel Göttsching "Die Mulde", Arcàngelo ARC-1099 (MG Art MG.ART 301), 2005
  • Klaus Schulze "In Blue", deluxe edition 3cd Revisited Records SPV 089-304102 DCD+CD REV 008, 1995, 2005

"Blackouts", is Renastered Reissue 2012. as SHM-CD.

"In Blue", deluxe edition 3cd is Originally released in 1995, In Blue first saw the light of day as a double CD. Featuring Klaus old friend Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra Temple) on guitar in both the studio setting and the bonus live recording. The Special Deluxe 3CD Edition of In Blue is housed in a stylish digipak with an enhanced booklet, including new liner notes and photos.

Quickly onto the bonus CD of live work. Three tracks, 53 minutes. The first of the tracks,'Musique Abstract(live)',(7.02) has a distinctly bootleggy feel to it as Klaus dispenses a little wit with the audience introducing this encore piece. The second track,'Return of the Tempel 2(live)',(13.51) is an excellent piece of modern electronica. Drifting string pads moving into a more rhythmic section featuring tons of riffs, percussives, dramatic filtering FX and Mr. Gottsching on guitar. All in all sounding like an electronic funk jamming session by the time it ends. Where's Herbie Hancock when you need him???

'Out of the Blue 2(live),(32.20) seems like an inappropriate title for this piece as its not remotely like anything from the original 'In Blue' album set. Not that l'm complaining for one split second though as what we have here is a live recording of 'Cellistica' from the 'Audentity' album. It's a brilliant recording of brilliant music, but with no audience interaction at either end of the piece it sounds just like a chunk of studio work, it sounds that good!!!!!

The when and where of the 3 performance's remains a little sketchy, though we are told that the second track featuring Manuel originates from a 1997 radio transmission. This live disc probably wouldn't stand up on its own merits as a must have album, but as a bonus l think it makes a very very welcome addition to this sizable disc set. (B22)

[ smd Review: Klaus Schulze / In Blue (Rerelease) より ]

2012/04/29 の収穫:新居昭乃『Red/Blue Planet』,RuRu Chapeau

2012/04/29 の収穫:聴物篇

  • RuRu Chapeau "RuRu Chapeau", ビクターエンタテインメント VICL-63825, 2011
  • 新居昭乃 "Red Planet", FlyingDog VTCL-60301, 2012
  • 新居昭乃 "Blue Planet", FlyingDog VTCL-60302, 2012


2012/04/10 の収穫:『シュトックハウゼン音楽論集』,『湯浅譲二の世界』,『ピュタゴラスの音楽』

2012/04/10 の収穫:讀物篇

  • シュトックハウゼン "シュトックハウゼン音楽論集", 清水穣 訳, 現代思潮新社, 1999, 2001, ISBN4-329-01001-1, (K. Stockhausen "Texte zur elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik Band 1", 1963)
  • 河野保雄 編, "湯浅譲二の世界",, 芸術現代社, 2004, ISBN4-87463-167-3
  • キティ・ファーガソン "ピュタゴラスの音楽", 柴田裕之 訳, 白水社, 2011, ISBN978-4-560-08163-1, (Kitty Ferguson "The Music of Pythagoras" How an Ancient Brotherhood Cracked the Code of the Universe and Lit the Path from Antiquity to Outer Space, 2008)


2012/04/09 の収穫:Ashra『live at the Open Air Festival Herzberg 1997』

2012/04/09 の収穫:観物篇

  • Ashra "live at the Open Air Festival Herzberg 1997", MG Art MG.ART 001, 2001, 2008

2012/04/09 の収穫:Manuel Göttsching / Ashra / @shra いろいろ

2012/04/09 の収穫:聴物篇

  • Hoenig, Göttsching "Early Water", Spalax 14536, 1995, 1997
  • Manuel Göttsching "Inventions for Electric Guitar", Spalax 14245, 1974, 1998
  • Ashra "Correlations Complete", MG Art MG.ART 205, 1979, 2008
  • Manuel Göttsching "Dream & Desire", Spalax 14240, 1990, 1992
  • Ashra "Walkin' the Desert", Spalax 14240, 1990, 1992
  • Ashra "Tropical Heat", Spalax 14242, 1991
  • @shra "@shra + @shra Vol. 2", MG Art MG.ART 204, 2008
  • Manuel Göttsching "Die Mulde", MG Art MG.ART 301, 2005
  • Manuel Göttsching "Concert for Murnau", MG Art MG.ART 302, 2005
  • Joaquin Joe Claussell "Joaquin Joe Claussell meets Manuel Göttsching", MG Art MG.ART 501, 2006


2012/04/05 の収穫:レンピッカ画集2冊,ヘッセ『知と愛』,『倉橋由美子 無幻の毒想』

2012/04/05 の収穫:讀物篇

  • シュテファニー・ペンク "タマラ・ド・レンピッカ", 水沢勉 訳, 岩波書店, 2009, ISBN978-4-00-008991-3, (Stefanie Penck "Tamara de Lempicka", 2004)
  • Gilles Néret "De Lempicka", Goddess of the Automobile Age, Taschen, 2007, 2011, ISBN978-3-8365-3184-9
  • "倉橋由美子 無幻の毒想", 河出書房新社, 道の手帖, 2008, ISBN978-4-309-74019-5, (author "title", 1965)
  • ヘッセ "知と愛", 高橋健二 訳, 新潮社, 1959, 2004, 2010, ISBN978-4-10-200110-3, (Hermann Hesse "Narziss und Goldmund", 1930)


2012/04/02 の収穫:渋谷慶一郎いろいろ,The Claude Debussy Collection

2012/04/02 の収穫:聴物篇

  • 渋谷慶一郎 "ATAK000+", Atak ATAK1001, 2004, 2011
  • 渋谷慶一郎 + V.A. "Sacrifice Soundtrack for Seiji "Fish on Land" ", Atak ATAK017, 2012
  • 渋谷慶一郎 feat. 太田莉菜 "サクリファイス", Atak ATAK101, 2012
  • Debussy "The Claude Debussy Collection", v.a., CS 88691931792, 2012