ぐる式 (貳) より引っ越し作業中.未完.


Dolphin Smalltalk is dying

Object Arts | Dolphin Development Discontinued.商用版は開発も販売も停止,フリー版はしばらくの間限定されたサポートを継続ということらしい. .net, Mac, Linux 版は夢と消えた訳である.ってか,マジで Win 版しかなかったのか. Linux 版がないんじゃサーバにも使えんじゃん.戦略ミス?

PS: we came to this decision several weeks ago. For those of you who have recently purchased Dolphin Professional and are now unhappy with the decision, we will honour requests for a refund for any purchases made within the last 60 days. AB.

[ Object Arts | Future development of Dolphin discontinued. より ]


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