ぐる式 (貳) より引っ越し作業中.未完.


フルメタル・パニック! TSR Scene 10 ふたつの香港

  • フルパニ TSR OP ED CDS
  • フルパニ TSR DVD 1

「そうだな.すまない.おれにはもう無理だ……」 © 相良宗介.

前回 で かなめ が「悪足掻き」と云いながらも正面向いてるのに対し,宗介あくまで低迷中.挙げ句に命令放棄.重症.チェスタトンだったっけか,殺したい部下を故意に危険な斥候任務に赴かせるという話を思い出したが,まぁ勘繰り過ぎだろう (笑).


冒頭でテッサが読み上げているのは賛美歌第 407 番「涯しも知られぬ青海原をも (Eternal Father, strong to save / Almighty Father, strong to save)」.これ,映画の方の『タイタニック』でも使われていたらしい.タイタニックの讃美歌.もっとも,この時点では沈みつつあるわけではない.沈没プロセス中に演奏されるのは賛美歌第 320 番「主よみもとに近づかん (Nearer my God to Thee)」で,『銀河鉄道の夜』も同様.ならばもしかして,と買ってから二ヶ月ほど 放ったらかし だった Gavin Bryars の Obscure 盤 "The Sinking of the Titanic", "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet", Virgin EG CDVE 938, 1975, 1998, を引っ張り出してみたら,おお〜,ほんまだ.

...from aft came the tunes of the band. It was a ragtime tune. I don't know what. Phillips (the senoir wireless officer) ran aft, and that was the last I ever saw of him alive... the ship was gradually turning on her nose - just like a duck that goes down for a dive. I had only one thing on my mind - to get away from the suction. The band was still playing. I guess all of the band went down. They were playing "Autumn" then. I swam with all my might. I suppose I was 150 feet away when the Titanic, on her nose, with her after quarter sticking straight up in the air, began to settle slowly.... the way the band kept playing was a noble thing. I heard it first while we were still working wireless, when there was a ragtime tune for us, and the last I saw of the band, when I was floating out in the sea with my lifebelt on, it was still on deck playing "Autumn". How they ever did it I cannot imagine.

[ The Sinking of the Titanic Point recording より ]

人間の尊厳というか,そういうモノをひしひしを感じさせてくれる文章だ. 1912 年 4 月 15 日午前 2 時 20 分前後の人たちには,こういう崇高な側面をも持っていた.

だからといって,↑を無理矢理結び付けて,これは破滅の前奏曲なんてホザくのは「妄,想するより他にない (© 野田秀樹)」的な症状です (笑).

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